Km 2.2 Vía Rionegro-Aeropuerto Portanova Medical Center Cons. 320-321 

Reconstructive Surgeries

Cirugía Reconstructiva
Dra Daniela Correa - Cirujana Plástica en Medellín

Reconstructive Surgeries in Medellín

What Are Reconstructive Surgeries?

Reconstructive surgeries are procedures performed to rebuild parts of the body that have been affected by various conditions, such as burns, congenital anomalies, trauma, illnesses, or tumors.

Unfortunately, the body is constantly exposed to potential trauma that can lead to deformation of its structure. This is why reconstructive surgery in Medellín is an option that benefits many patients who wish to restore the aesthetic form and structure of their bodies, as well as recover the functionality of affected areas.

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Dr. Daniela Correa, Plastic Surgeon, has her office at Km 2.2 Vía Rionegro-Aeropuerto, Pornova Medical Center, Suites 320-321.

Dr. Daniela Correa operates in the finest surgical facilities in Rionegro, Antioquia, and Medellín.

Restore the aesthetics and functionality of your body with Reconstructive Surgeries.

What Are the Types of Reconstructive Surgeries?

Breast Reconstruction

Cirugía Reconstructiva

It is performed with the goal of restoring the confidence and psychological well-being of patients who have undergone breast cancer treatment and, as a result, had skin and breast tissue removed.

Burn Reconstruction

Cirugía Reconstructiva

In certain specific cases, the development of tumors can physically manifest in areas of the body that impair mobility and functionality, as well as affect the body’s aesthetic appearance. Reconstructive surgeries are required for these cases.

Trauma Reconstruction

Cirugía Reconstructiva

When a person experiences physical trauma, it can affect the bones, tendons, and nerves in their body, preventing them from living a normal life or, in some cases, causing pain during tasks that should not cause discomfort.

Congenital Anomaly Reconstruction

Cirugía Reconstructiva

This type of procedure involves the correction of abnormalities or malformations, such as breast asymmetry, cleft lip, cleft palate, or other facial malformations.

Skin Tumor Reconstruction

Cirugía Reconstructiva

In certain cases, the appearance of tumors can physically manifest in areas of the body that cause discomfort in mobility and functionality, as well as affect the body’s aesthetic form.

Maxillofacial Reconstruction

Cirugía Reconstructiva

This procedure is performed on patients whose maxillofacial bone structure does not favor the aesthetics of their face. In some cases, this condition causes insecurity, leading patients to seek reconstruction of their jaw shape.

Benefits of Reconstructive Surgeries in Medellín

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Cirugías Reconstructivas en Medellín

What is the objective of Reconstructive Surgeries?

The objective of Reconstructive Surgeries in Medellín is, as the name suggests, to reconstruct those parts of the body that have been affected and interfere with the aesthetics and functionality of each patient’s body.

Reconstructive Surgeries in Medellín can be performed on many areas of the body, but the priority is to identify the part of the body that needs to regain its structure.

The scars from liposuction are very small and fade over time. Schedule your consultation appointment.

  • Surgery Time

    The duration of the surgery depends on how affected the area to be treated is; however, it can last from 8 to 12 hours.

  • Anesthesia

    General Anesthesia is used.

  • Type of Disability


  • Recovery Time

    Depending on the case, total recovery may take 1 to 2 months.

Reconstructive Surgeries in Colombia.

Frequently Asked Questions about Reconstructive Surgeries.

These are usually procedures that require a lot of attention. It is important to take the prescribed medications, avoid strenuous exercise during recovery, and wear the recommended post-operative garments for the reconstructed area.

Schedule Your Appointment

Reconstructive Surgeries in Colombia

When we talk about surgical procedures, we know that more than just correcting an affected part of the body, we are helping a patient improve their quality of life and boost their self-esteem. That is why in Colombia, Reconstructive Surgeries are complex procedures performed in the best operating rooms and with the best team to provide you with a pleasant and high-quality experience.

If you wish to undergo a Reconstructive Surgery in Colombia, we recommend that you do not risk your health and always seek recognized professionals like Dr. Daniela Correa, one of the best Plastic Surgeons in Medellín, who will provide you with compassionate and quality guidance, as well as comprehensive support.

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